Commandments of Yeshua Video Lectures
Yeshua and Moshe. Lecture 1
By watching this lecture, you can gain insights into the practical significance of the parallels between the Sermon on the Mount and the Mosaic Covenant.
Blessings of the Covenant. Lecture 2
Within the Mosaic Covenant, a multitude of blessings and curses are found as a continuation of its main provisions. In a similar fashion, the Sermon on the Mount, which can be viewed as Yeshua's…
Servants of the Covenant. Lecture 3
Yeshua employed a renowned symbol, salt, to make a comparison with His disciples. What spiritual insights can be gleaned from this analogy?
Not to Abolish but to Fulfill. Lecture 4
In contemporary Christian belief, there is a widespread notion that the Law of Moses has been nullified or invalidated. However, Yeshua's assertion in Matthew 5:17 challenges this perception, as He…
You Shall Not Murder. Lecture 5
Within this lecture, our focal point will be directed towards specific elements encompassing murder, the altar, one's brother, and offerings, all of which are found in Yeshua's teachings.…
Everyone Who Looks. Lecture 6
The book of Sirach 9:8 reads, "Turn away your eyes from a shapely woman, and do not gaze at beauty belonging to another" (NRSV). Yeshua is even more radical; in Matthew 6:29, He says, "If your right…
Divorce. Lecture 7
Very often, people say that Moses allowed divorce. Did he really allow that? What are the apodictic and casuistic types of law material? How does it influence our understanding of the law?
Vows and Non-Resistance. Lecture 8
Yeshua prohibited vows. What does it mean? How do I practice that? What if the government wants me to do that? Why did Yeshua command us to be non-resistant?
Secret Righteousness. Lecture 9
The desire for societal acceptance is a prevalent motive among individuals, stemming from various factors. It is expected that the righteousness exhibited by disciples of Yeshua should be…
The Currency of Righteousness. Lecture 11
In this lecture, we will focus on Yeshua's message about the dangers of being consumed by material wealth. Yeshua imparts a powerful lesson, emphasizing that true disciples must not allow their…
Pagan Anxiety. Lecture 12
In Matthew 6:25, Yeshua says, “Do not worry about your life." Discover how trusting God enables us to overcome anxiety as we learn to prioritize life's true meaning beyond material concerns. Find the…
In the Way You Judge. Lecture 13
Dive into the timeless teachings of Matthew 7:1-5 and explore the profound concept of non-judgment, learning to refrain from passing judgments on others. Discover the impact of giving the benefit of…
Unlocking the Doors of Blessings. Lecture 14
Yeshua says, "Ask, and it shall be given to you. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened to you" (Matt. 7:7 TLV). Let us study this text together!
The Wide and Narrow. Lecture 15
The Teacher urges everyone to seek the narrow gate, representing a life of righteousness and spiritual growth that, though challenging to follow, ultimately leads to abundant and eternal blessings.…
Building on The Rock. Lecture 16
As the Teacher vividly describes the storms of life—rain, floods, and winds—His message resonates with everyone facing challenges and trials. By encouraging a life of genuine faith and wholehearted…
Beseech the Lord of the Harvest!
In the Gospel, there are the words of Yeshua, "Beseech the Lord of the Harvest!" Discover the deeper meaning behind this timeless teaching and explore its significance in a rabbinical context.
Commandments of the Teacher and My Life
We studied the commandments of the Teacher and found that they were part of the New Covenant. We talked about the relevance of the Torah, correct motivation, the Lord’s Prayer, money, anxiety, and…
The Lord's Prayer. Lecture 10
I often ask people, "How much of the Lord's Prayer is about our daily needs?" Surprisingly, many of the people I ask say, "It's a big part," or even "It's the most important part of the Lord's…
Uncover the Richness of the Hebrew Bible!
Editor's Choice
Humor in the Book of Daniel
Humor is enjoyable because it is often found in unexpected places. The book of Daniel is one such place. The book that speaks about the terror of the Judgment of God, describes massive wars, and…
To Live, to Die, and Then?
Real Life To really live is to engage all the dimensions of being in life. Such a holistic concept of life is biblical. Man and woman—their whole beings—were created by God.
We Must Save Peace
It is as if the more we speak of peace, the more this goal seems as fleeting and vital as ourselves. Indeed, we have never so much reasoned about peace, dreamed of peace, or discussed peace as we…