Written by: Erin Parfet

Iron Dome

Israel’s Iron Dome (or Kippat Barzel in Hebrew), a land-based all-weather mobile air defense system, was designed to intercept and destroy a range of short-range rockets, mortars, drones, and artillery shells being fired at Israel’s civilian population areas.

The Iron Dome uses state-of-the-art radar systems and the Battlement Control System to determine whether the trajectory of a rocket or other projectile is aimed at a populated civilian area or not. These calculations can be completed in seconds, which is important because civilians living near the Gaza Strip might have upwards of 90 seconds to seek safety once the air raid sirens are activated. If not aimed at populated areas, the rocket is allowed to detonate in an open field, for instance, and no interception is warranted; only threats deemed dangerous to human life are intercepted. Israeli rockets are used to intercept and destroy enemy rockets; the main intercepting rocket is named Tamir. Falling debris does have the potential to be problematic for human life, though. There is also the capability for ballistic missiles to be detected and neutralized outside of the earth’s atmosphere.

Developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Systems in conjunction with the United States Department of Defense, the Iron Dome was designed as a counteroffensive to threats launched by Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah movement in 2006 and Hamas Islamists seizing control of the Gaza Strip in 2007. The Iron Dome technology was first deployed in the spring of 2011 near Beersheba, successfully intercepting its first rocket near Gaza. Part of the original goal of the technology was to block 95 percent of the Qassam rockets and other weapons being fired at Sderot and Ashkelon.

"The number of Israelis killed and wounded would be far higher if it had not been for the Iron Dome system, which has been a life saver as it always has been," said Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus, an Israeli military spokesman.

Considered one of the most advanced military defense systems in the world, the system itself costs upwards of millions of dollars to shoot down rockets launched by Israel’s foes. Scientists are currently working on a more cost-effective method of shooting down enemy rockets using a laser-based system that would cost Israel’s military merely $2 per interception.

The Jerusalem Post has reported that the Iron Dome has successfully shot down 90% of the rockets from Gaza that would have otherwise landed on populated civilian areas within Israeli territory causing harm to innocent people. In 2017, the Iron Dome expanded its operations to protect sea-based assets, such as ships and offshore gas platforms needed for Israel’s Barak 8 missile operations.

Iron Dome technology has grown and expanded since 2011. Militant groups from Gaza have attempted to test the limits of the Iron Dome, showering Israel with large numbers of rockets to determine if they could max out the system’s capabilities. Given the success rate of the Iron Dome within Israel, the United States Army has sought to replicate some of the technology for its own army operations.

Ukraine has desired to incorporate Iron Dome missile interceptor capabilities into the ongoing war with Russia. However, Israel has so far only provided humanitarian support and civil defenses to Ukraine, not weapons or other advanced technology. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has hesitated on providing advanced technology to Ukraine, fearing such equipment would fall into the hands of Iran and/or jeopardize Israel’s operations in Syria, where Russia controls a large segment of the airspace. Israel is one of the few players on the world stage that maintains relatively peaceful relations with both Ukraine and Russia.

"I think it’s important to understand that we’re concerned also with the possibility that systems that we would give to Ukraine would fall into Iranian hands and could be reverse engineered, and we would find ourselves facing Israeli systems used against Israel," Netanyahu commented.

Israel has survived through the centuries and through the years since her statehood, even prior to the development of the Iron Dome. As we know, while God can use manmade technology to save many lives and help make our world a better place when used benevolently and not exploited for evil purposes like so much technology is. However, God’s divine protection and mercy are far greater than any technology manufactured by the most brilliant human minds (yet feeble minds in comparison to the power of God) on earth.

When rockets have rained down on Israeli civilian targets in large quantities, some Israelis have described Iron Dome technology as a fulfillment of Isaiah 4:5 in their lifetimes, where God will create over every structure a "cloud by day" and "a smoke and a glow of flaming fire by night."

Other verses proclaiming God’s love and protection of His children include Psalm 36:7, 1 Chronicles 16:12–13, Psalm 63:7-8, Deuteronomy 8:1–20, Psalm 138:7, Psalm 91:4-6, Psalm 91:9–12, and Job 1:8–10. Many Israelis have clung to these promises during times when their livelihoods and prosperity seemed threatened by enemy combatants firing weapons at the tiny New Jersey sized nation-state.

Just as the Iron Dome is a manmade technology that God has blessed Israel’s military with the ability to thwart attacks by terrorists and militant groups who desire the demise of the nation, God has His own Iron Dome for each of us as believers: a shield of faith that protects against incoming fiery darts shot our way by our enemy (Ephesians 6:16).

For each of us as believers, the shield of faith and full armor of God are essential to running this race on Earth without fear of satan, wickedness, or what is to come during the Last Days. We know full well that we have an adversary, the devil, who, like a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour. We know full well that we are not wrestling against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers of darkness that are highly placed in this world. This is a spiritual war, and fleshly weapons are of no avail. Yeshua teaches to pray for protection against satan, the evil one.

In the Old Testament, God gave Himself as a shield to Abraham (Genesis 15:1) and to all of Israel (Deuteronomy 33:29). Shields were large, rudimentary first lines of defense at the time, especially against enemy arrows and spears which were common weaponry in early Biblical times. Fiery darts, some of which contained tips that were manufactured from some type of combustible material capable of being lit on fire and shot at an enemy, and others that contained hollow tips filled with combustible materials capable of splashing and burning the unfortunate person struck by the dart, were the most advanced technology available at the time.

Thus, Paul’s reference to fiery darts refers to the most advanced, high-tech option that could be wielded against mankind by one’s mortal enemies and/or the prince of darkness at the time of Paul’s writings. Yet the armor of God is fully capable of repelling these fiery darts, but not just as an automatic given. Just as we have to intentionally put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and the sandals of the gospel of peace each day, we also have to intentionally take up the shield of faith anew each day… and continue in our walks with Yeshua, seeking truth through ongoing study, staying close to Him in prayer, confessing and repenting of our sins, and living consecrated lives. Fiery darts in our lives may include temptations to sin and distractions from what is holy, pure, and true. Paul says in Colossians 2:6-7, "So then, just as you received Yeshua as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."

Earthly technology may be used as an instrument of war or may save many lives. Yet we must not rely on the latest and greatest science to protect us, but on God for our ultimate salvation. Joshua and Caleb faithfully trusted in God that He would be their shield if they followed Him, and they were the only ones of their generation to reach the Promised Land. Yet the rest of the nation lacked faith and thus perished in the wilderness.

"Because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it... Not one of you will enter the land I swore with an uplifted hand to make your home, except Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun." (Numbers 14:24, 30).

Only God’s armor and a life of steadfast faithfulness in His commandments and His testimony will allow us to withstand the wiles of the devil, quench the fiery darts sent our way, proclaim ultimate victory over the enemy, and allow us to witness the powers of the Holy Spirit defiantly routing the powers of darkness. Technology can do many amazing things, save lives on earth, and make this world a better place here and now. But this world is not our home; we are but passing through. We may achieve victories in the here and now against our adversaries, possibly even using state-of-the-art military equipment to do so, but faith in Yeshua is our true victory.


Image: IDF Spokesperson's Unit CC BY-SA 3.0 found here.

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