


Written by: Erin Parfet
Hits: 1463

tshuva hhdTeshuvah ("returning") is the Jewish concept of repentance and returning to the path of righteousness after one has deviated, or returning to an original state of status quo prior to a transgression occurring. This concept applies whether one has sinned against God, such as by going against the commandments in the Torah, or if one has sinned against another Child of God created in His image.

Yom HaShoah


Written by: Erin Parfet
Hits: 927


Yom HaShoah Ve-Hagevurah, often shortened to Yom HaShoah as it is observed globally by the Jewish people, or Holocaust Remembrance Day as it is known in English. The solemn occasion often begins with an official state ceremony in Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, which is usually live-streamed on YouTube with translations in English and a few other languages as well. A variety of other events throughout the world will typically honor the occasion.

Yom Kippur


Written by: Erin Parfet
Hits: 1115

Yom Kippur (Yom Ha-Kippurim, Shabbat Shabbaton, Sabbath of Solemn Rest, Sabbath of Sabbaths, or the Day of Atonement) is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar and occurs on Tishri 10 (the 10th day of the seventh month on the Biblical Israelite calendar). It is a Sabbath day dedicated to the affliction of one’s soul and atonement for the various sins one has committed within the past year.